- A Review
- The Germs of Sa@mkhya in the Upani@sads
- Sa@mkhya and Yoga Literature
- An Early School of Sa@mkhya
- Sa@mkhya karika, Sa@mkhya sutra, Vacaspati Mis'ra and Vijnana Bhik@su
- Yoga and Patanjali
- The Sa@mkhya and the Yoga Doctrine of Soul or Puru@sa
- Thought and Matter
- Feelings, the Ultimate Substances
- The Gu@nas
- Prak@rti and its Evolution
- Pralaya and the disturbance of the Prak@rti Equilibrium
- Mahat and Aha@mkara
- The Tanmatras and the Parama@nus
- Principle of Causation and Conservation of Energy
- Change as the formation of new collocations
- Causation as Satkaryavada (the theory that the effect potentially exists before it is generated by the movement of the cause)
- Sa@mkhya Atheism and Yoga Theism
- Buddhi and Puru@sa
- The Cognitive Process and some characteristics of Citta
- Sorrow and its Dissolution
- Citta
- Yoga Purificatory Practices (Parikarma)
- The Yoga Meditation