"Dhritarashtra said, 'O Vidura, Janardana hath set out from Upaplavya. He is now staying at Vrikasthala and will come here tomorrow. Janardana is the leader of the Ahukas, the foremost person amongst all the members of the Sattwata race, is high-souled, and endued with great energy and great might. Indeed, Madhava is the guardian and protector of the prosperous kingdom of Vrishnis and is the illustrious Great-Grandsire of even the three worlds. The Vrishnis adore the wisdom of the intelligent Krishna, even as the Adityas, the Vasus, and the Rudras adore the wisdom of Vrihaspati. O virtuous one, I will in thy presence, offer worship unto that illustrious scion of Dasarha's race. Listen to me about that worship. I will give him sixteen cars made of gold, each drawn by four excellent and well-adorned steeds of uniform colour and of the Vahlika breed. O Kaurava, I will give him eight elephants with temporal juice always trickling down and tusks as large as poles of ploughs, capable of smiting hostile ranks, and each having eight human attendants. I will give him a century of handsome maid-servants of the complexion of gold, all virgins, and man-servants I will give him as many. I will give him eighteen thousand woolen blankets soft to the touch, all presented to us by the hill-men. I will also give him a thousand deer-skins brought from China and other things of the kind that may be worthy of Kesava. I will also give him this serene gem of the purest rays that shines day and night, for Kesava alone deserves it. This car of mine drawn by mules that makes a round of full fourteen Yojanas a day, I will also give him. I will place before him every-day provisions eight times greater than what is necessary for the animals and attendants that form his train. Mounted on their cars, having their person well-adorned, all my sons and grandsons, save Duryodhana, will go out to receive him. And thousands of graceful and well-decked dancing girls will go out on foot to receive the illustrious Kesava. And the beautiful girls that will go out of the town for receiving Janardana will go out unveiled. Let all the citizens with their wives and children behold the illustrious slayer of Madhu with as much respect and devotion as they show when casting their eyes on the morning sun. Let the canopy all round, at my command, be crowded with pendants and banners, and let the road, by which Kesava will come, be well-watered and its dusts removed. Let Dussasana's abode, which is better than Duryodhana's, be cleansed and well-adorned without delay. That mansion consisting of many beautiful buildings, is pleasant and delightful, and abounds with the wealth of all seasons. It is in that abode that all my wealth, as also Duryodhana's, are deposited. Let all that scion of the Vrishni race deserves be given unto him.'"