A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms is an account by the Chinese monk Fa-Hsien of his travels in India and Ceylon (CE 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline.
This book was translated and annotated from the original Chinese text by James Legge.
- Preface
- Introduction: Life of Fa-Hien; Genuineness and Integrity of the Text of his Narrative; Number of the Adherents of Buddhism.
- Chapter 1: From Ch'ang-Gan to the Sandy Desert
- Chapter 2: On to Shen-Shen and Thence to Khoten
- Chapter 3: Khoten. Processions of Images. the King's New Monastery.
- Chapter 4: Through the Ts'ung or "Onion" Mountains to K'eeh-Ch'a;--Probably Skardo, or Some City More to the East in Ladak
- Chapter 5: Great Quinquennial Assembly of Monks. Relics of Buddha. Productions of the Country.
- Chapter 6: On Towards North India. Darada. Image of Maitreya Bodhisattva.
- Chapter 7: Crossing of the Indus. When Buddhism First Crossed the River for the East
- Chapter 8: Woo-Chang, or Udyana. Monasteries, and Their Ways. Traces of Buddha.
- Chapter 9: Soo-Ho-To. Legend of Buddha.
- Chapter 10: Gandhara. Legends of Buddha.
- Chapter 11: Takshasila. Legends. the Four Great Topes.
- Chapter 12: Purushapura, or Peshawur. Prophecy About King Kanishka and His Tope. Buddha's Alms-Bowl. Death of Hwuy-Ying.
- Chapter 13: Nagara. Festival of Buddha's Skull-Bone. Other Relics, and His Shadow.
- Chapter 14: Death of Hwuy-King in the Little Snowy Mountains. Lo-E. Pohna. Crossing the Indus to the East.
- Chapter 15: Bhida. Sympathy of Monks with the Pilgrims.
- Chapter 16: On to Mathura or Muttra. Condition and Customs of Central India; of the Monks, Viharas, and Monasteries.
- Chapter 17: Sankasya. Buddha's Ascent to and Descent From the Trayastrimsas Heaven, and Other Legends.
- Chapter 18: Kanyakubja, or Canouge. Buddha's Preaching.
- Chapter 19: Sha-Che. Legend of Buddha's Danta-Kashtha.
- Chapter 20: Kosala and Sravasti. the Jetavana Vihara and Other Memorials and Legends of Buddha. Sympathy of the Monks with the Pilgrims.
- Chapter 21: The Three Predecessors of Sakyamuni in the Buddhaship.
- Chapter 22: Kapilavastu. its Desolation. Legends of Buddha's Birth, and Other Incidents in Connexion with It.
- Chapter 23: Rama, and its Tope.
- Chapter 24: Where Buddha Finally Renounced the World, and Where He Died.
- Chapter 25: Vaisali. the Tope Called "Weapons Laid Down." the Council of Vaisali.
- Chapter 26: Remarkable Death of Ananda.
- Chapter 27: Pataliputtra or Patna, in Magadha. King Asoka's Spirit-Built Palace and Halls. the Buddhist Brahman, Radha-Sami. Dispensaries and Hospitals.
- Chapter 28: Rajagriha, New and Old. Legends and Incidents Connected with It.
- Chapter 29: Gridhra-Kuta Hill, and Legends. Fa-Hien Passes a Night on It. His Reflections.
- Chapter 30: The Srataparna Cave, or Cave of the First Council. Legends. Suicide of a Bhikshu.
- Chapter 31: Gaya. Sakyamuni's Attaining to the Buddhaship; and Other Legends.
- Chapter 32: Legend of King Asoka in a Former Birth, and His Naraka.
- Chapter 33: Mount Gurupada, Where Kasyapa Buddha's Entire Skeleton Is.
- Chapter 34: On the Way Back to Patna. Varanasi, or Benares. Sakyamuni's First Doings After Becoming Buddha.
- Chapter 35: Dakshina, and the Pigeon Monastery.
- Chapter 36: In Patna. Fa-Hien's Labours in Transcription of Manuscripts, and Indian Studies for Three Years.
- Chapter 37: To Champa and Tamalipti. Stay and Labours There for Three Years. Takes Ship to Singhala, or Ceylon.
- Chapter 38: At Ceylon. Rise of the Kingdom. Feats of Buddha. Topes and Monasteries. Statue of Buddha in Jade. Bo Tree. Festival of Buddha's Tooth.
- Chapter 39: Cremation of an Arhat. Sermon of a Devotee.
- Chapter 40: After Two Years Takes Ship for China. Disastrous Passage to Java; and Thence to China; Arrives at Shan-Tung; and Goes to Nanking. Conclusion or L'envoi by Another Writer.
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